Saturday, September 25, 2010

66 - afghan whigs

as usual, i got up earlier than the rest of the people in the house on a sunday morning. hubby still got his recording setup on the art room. that leaves me with delaying my bass practice to maybe this afternoon. someone is sleeping in the sewing room so my dolls will have to wait a little more time for new outfits. it's too early to even practice makeup and my face is swollen. and voila! what better thing to do than draw! it's quiet, and all my drawing tools are here. for some reason i remembered my fave song 66 by afghan whigs back in college. arrrrgggg i'm back in the dark room again... here's the drawing.

i'm generally happy with what i did since i created the exact facial features and expression i wanted. bad points though include her hands not that being proportioned to her 5'10" model body (and she's at least 18 being able to drink in a bar).i love her hair, her face :) she's supposed to be half-japanese, half-white caucasian.i know she's a little more fiercer than i initially envisioned, tougher. but i'm still happy with the outcome. at least she doesn't look some kind of a dull or stupid girl in a bar you can just hit easily with. :D

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